This article will show you how to setup Education Points and create Quizzes for your channels.
Setup the Education Points Template
- In Admin browse to Settings > Education Points >Add
- Set a Title with a friendly name that explains the template
- Under Assessment Type select Quiz
- Select a Pass Rate. This is the minimum percentage the user will need to meet or exceed to pass the quiz.
- Allow Retake Quiz: Allow a user to retake the quiz if they do not pass. This allows the user to retake the quiz as many times as possible until they pass.
- Save
Set the Video Points & Template
- Browse to Videos >Manage Videos
- Find the video from the list and select Edit Video
- Points: Set the value of the Continuing Education (CE) Points for this Video. This is how many CE Points the member will receive if they meet the requirements and pass rate set within the chosen template.
- Points Allocation: Select the Education Points Template for this video.
Here we have set the template where the member must take a quiz and achieve 100% on the quiz in order to gain 1 CE Point.
Create your Video Quiz
- From the Video Info page, select the Interactivity tab
- Create Poll
- Select Quiz
- Display Time: select the time that your question will appear, or select Display at End for your question to appear at the end of the video
- Quiz Name: Add a title to your quiz
- Set your Questions
- Under Question 1 Heading, write your first question
- Set the options for each answer, using the blue add button to add more answer options
- Use the radio button to select the correct answer
- Points: By default each question is worth 1 point. You can modify this value to have weighted questions where some questions are harder so may be worth more points than others.
These points only contribute to the points and pass rate for the quiz. and not the Continuing Education Points the member received when they pass -(which was set on the video).
For example: A Quiz has 5 questions. The first 2 questions are worth 1 point, the 2nd question is worth 2 points, and the 3rd & 4th questions are worth 3 points each. The quiz has a total of 10 points.
The member must meet a minimum of 90% which is set on the Continuing Education Point Template to pass the quiz.
If the member passes the quiz, they will achieve the 1 CE Point that is set on the video. - Once all the questions are setup, select Save
- Your Quiz will appear on in the Polls List. You can turn the Quiz on or off at this level:
- If your Quiz is turned on, it will pop-up on the Video Player at the quiz time.
Display Quiz Results
- From Video Info >Interactivity >Create Polls
- Select the Quiz from the Info page to view the Quiz Results graph on the side panel
- Use the Quiz menu to Download Results:
View Recently Completed Quizzes
- In admin, browse to Analytics >Polls
- Completed Quizzes tab will display a list of the most recently completed quizzes from each member.
- You can also Download the Quiz Results from here