webcastcloud video library offers personalized recommendations to help your viewers find videos and events of interest.
This articles provides a high level description of our recommendations and how to add them to your video library using Spotlight Rows.
When you access a webcastcloud video library, and start watching video content, we build our analytics and data to help viewers find video content with minimal effort.
webcastcloud recommendations consider some of the following factors:
- Your interactions with videos across the library, such as your viewing history and ratings on videos
- Other members with similar tastes and their viewing history
- Video metadata such as title, description, speakers, categories, tags, date, delivery, duration
Spotlight Rows
Using Spotlight Rows, an admin user can provide recommendations on the video library to Members.
- In Admin, browse to Video Library >Spotlight Rows
- From the Recommendations menu, select the options you want to display on your library:
- My List
- Trending Now
- Most Popular
- Recently Added
- Categories - more on setting up Categories as a Spotlight Row
- Save
- From the Spotlight Rows List below, you can drag and drop your preferred sort order
- You will now display Spotlight Row Recommendations on your Library Library