The following article will walk you through how to upload your video media into a channel.
1. Upload your Video
- In Admin, browse to Library >Content > Add New
- Select Video
- Enter your Video Title
- Select a Channel from the drop the drop-down menu
- Select Add
- Either Click to Upload or Drop Files onto the file area
- Select Upload and your video will being uploading
- When your video has reached 100%, you can select Go to Video
- You will be directed to the Video Details page where your Video Status will be Processing, until it has completed transcoding.
- When your video is ready for playback, you will see Video Status: OnDemand
2. Set Your Video Type
Now that your videos has been uploaded, you can modify the video type.
- Video Type: Your video will use the default video type that is set on your channel. ie. Paid, Free, Locked.
If your video type is correct, you do not need to modify Inheritance. - To set your video differently from the channel, select Inherit to Tun Off the access type that is set from the channel:
- You can now change your Video Type:
- Paid Videos that are paid, will require a user to purchase the video at the assigned price. The user can add the video to cart, and complete the purchase them your video library. Member pricing tiers are available and covered in another knowledge article.
- Free Videos that are Free will be accessible to view by anyone. If the parent channel has Authentication Required, then only members who are logged into the site will be able to watch the video. Anonymous users will be prompted to login or register.
- Locked Only members who have been assigned access to either the Video or the Channel can view these videos when logged into your site. The video will appear on your site with a Locked icon to other users.
- Cost: If your Video Type is Paid, you can modify the list price for this video
3. Add more information to your Video
Fill in the rest of the video details for your viewers including:
- Add a Video Description to provide more detailed information about your video content that will appear on the Play Page to your audience. use the WYSWIG editor to add graphics, hyperlinks, headings, paragraphs, etc.
- Update the Date and Time
- Select Tags and Categories from the drop-down menus
- Upload a Thumbnail image for your Video or Select a Thumbnail that was generated from your video. This will appear on your Video Cards and your Play Page
- Save all changes