Resources that are relevant to your video content can be uploaded and stored within webcastcloud, and are available from your Video Play Page.
The list of Resources will be available to only viewers who can watch the video. For example, if a video is paid and I have not purchased the video, I will not be able to access the Resources.
From your webcastcloud Admin portal, you can add links to resources and other collateral material to your video page.
- In webcastcloud Admin, browse to Videos >Manage Videos
- Select the video from the video list
- Use the row menu to select Edit
- Use the menu on the video row, and select Edit
- Click Resources tab
- Add New Resource
- Resource Name: Provide a friendly name for the resource that will be displayed to your viewers
- Change from Link URL to Upload File
- Click on Select File and use the file manager from your device to select the resource you want to upload
- Resource Type: select the relevant attachment type from the drop-down menu. This will use the icon relevant to the resource type when displaying the resource on the video play page. Use Download to display a download button, or select from the icon options such as PDF, Transcript, Word Doc, Excel, Image, Preview (for a video icon), etc.
- Description: Add a description to your resource that will be visible to your viewer
- Save
Repeat the above steps to create additional resources.
On the video Play Page, the Resources tab will now display your list of resources for the video.