You can share webcastcloud videos outside of your Video Library by using the direct Video URL or Embed Code.
- From Admin, select Library > Content
- Navigate through the Channels to search for the the video or content you want to share
- Select the ellipsis (set of dots) menu
- Select Share
- Alternatively, you can access the Share button from the Content Edit page:
- Select Generate Auth Key
- Then continue to copy either iFrame or Video URL to share your video.
- You can modify the width and height of the iFrame code
- When your videos are Locked or Paid, you will need to use the Authentication Key that will allow access without SignIn to your video library.
- If your videos are Free, you can share without the Auth Key.
- Analytics views will be considered Anonymous users when using the Auth Key.
- If you wish to capture users for viewing analytics, and also retain access using the video library permissions, we recommend using the webcastcloud API to authenticate and authorize video playback outside of your webcastcloud Video Library.