The following details are require to setup PayPal Integration with webcastcloud.
Please note - the following instructions are for PayPal only. PayPal PayFlow integration is a different process.
- Username
- Password
- ClientID
- Client Secret Key
Ideally we would like both a Test and Production account for integration and testing.
Follow these instructions to retrieve the above details:
- Go to
- Click on My Apps & Credentials
- Click on >Sandbox >Create App
- Create an App for ‘webcastcloud TEST’ environment
- You should now be able to copy the username, ClientID & secret
- Browse back to My Apps & Credentials
- Click on >LIVE (instead of Sandbox this time)
- Complete the above steps above to create a Production/Live Application
Once both Sandbox and Production API Apps are created
- Browse back to webcastcloud Admin
- Select Settings > Payment Gateway Providers >PayPal
- Add your Test and Production API Details to your respective test and production webcastloud Admin
- Save
- Enable PayPal on the list of Payment Providers: