Members are your front-end users, that are active across your video library and events.
A member profile can be updated in a few ways.
- In the admin portal
- By the member from their User Profile. Learn more
- Using the webcastcloud API
- Using SSO with an Advanced Integration
The steps below will walk you through how to edit a members details via the admin portal.
If the member was created using the webcastcloud API or via SSO with an advanced integration, if the members details were recently updated in your applications database, then when the user next logs into webcastcloud their details should be updated.
- Browse to Users >Members
- Find the member, and select the 3 dot menu icon
- Edit
- The member details can be modified from the edit page, including the ability to upload a User Profile image.
- Notes are internal notes, and not viewable by a Member
- Save to update details