A members list is a group of users or members that are grouped together to simplify member access to a video or channel, member pricing or other monetization options.
Member Lists can be created locally within the webcastcloud Admin portal, or they are automatically created and updated using an Single Sign-On (AMS or CRM) Integration or using the API.
In this article you will learn how to create a local Member List.
Create your Member List
- Navigate to Users > Members Lists
- Select Add Member List
- Give your Member List a friendly and recognizable name
- Select Add
Assign Users to a Member List
Once the Member List is created, you will be able to select Upload to add your users to one of the following types:
- Email Domain e.g. @company.com this will automatically assign any member to this list that has the same email domain for their member profile. This is most commonly used for assigning enterprise access.
- Email e.g. Johnsmith@gmail.com This will add a single member to the list under that email. If you would like to add multiple emails at once separate them with a semicolon (;)
- Username e.g. AE1235218. This will assign the member with the matching username to this list.
To see who is attached to your members list, select Search next to Email Domain, Email or Username. A list of members on the list will be displayed.
A list of Discount Policies and Packages the the Member List is attached too will appear on the Member List summary page.
A Member List can be assigned to the following resources:
- Single Video
- Video Pricing Tiers
- An entire Channel using Packages
- Vouchers
- Discount Policies
- Bundles
- and more...