1. Configure Webcastcloud as an iMIS SSO Application
The following steps are for configuring your webcastcloud video and content library as an application for Single Sign-On (SSO) within iMIS:
- Browse to iMIS Settings >Contacts >Client Applications
For prior versions of iMIS, this can be found under RiSE >Maintenance >Client Applications -
Add Client Application
- Client ID: webcastcloud
- Client Secret: create a unique cryptic password.
- Refresh Token: between 1 and 60.
Return URL: https://<hostname>/iMIS/SSO
- Save
Further information on SSO can be found here:
iMIS Cloud SSO:
iMIS 2017 SSO: https://help.imis.com/imis2017/Features/RiSE/Maintenance/Single_Sign_On.htm
2. Create the iMIS SSO Redirect Page
The following steps are to setup a redirect page in iMIS to return a logged in user to your webcastcloud library once they have logged into your iMIS RiSE website.
- Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content
- Create a new content record (New > Website Content)
- Title: Give the content record a Title. ie. webcastcloud-sso
- From a content record, select Add content
- Open the Contact folder, then select the Single Sign-On content item created in the step above
- Select webcastcloud from the Client application list
- Click OK
- Select Properties tab
- Turn on Content is Secure
- Enable Content requires user to login
- Browse to Access Settings
- Set Security set to Everyone Read
- Click Save & Publish
- Select Generate Full URL
Copy the URL
You will need this to add to Webcastcloud Admin.
This is also your Webcastcloud SSO URL, so you can use this to share access from within your member portal to Webcastcloud, which will login members automatically.
3. Create iMIS IQAs
IQAs are required to pull retrieve additional membership information and member groups.
We require as a minimum the Membership Details IQA to complete the Member Profile creation in webcastcloud.
Please work with webcastcloud support and your iMIS Administrator to connect the correct IQAs to webcastcloud.
4. Add iMIS Integration Settings to webcastcloud
Once iMIS is setup, copy the client applications and IQAs to the following location:
- In webcastcloud Admin, browse to Settings >Integration
- Edit iMIS
- Provider Name: Add your company name or application. This is not used in the configuration.
REST Client: Add the url for your rest client api path.
For iMIS version before 20.3, your url may be in the format of https://<yourwebsite.org>/asi.scheduler_{sitename}
For iMIS version 20.3 and above, your url may be https://<yourwebsite.org/
Ticket iMIS Version 20.3+ on the iMIS Integration page in webcastcloud admin
Ticket iMIS Version 20.3+ on the iMIS Integration page in webcastcloud admin
Member Detail IQA: This is your IQA endpoint where we retrieve membership information.
example only: $/webcastcloud/MembershipInfo -
Membership Groups IQA: This is your IQA endpoint where we retrieve member groups
example only: $/webcastcloud/MemberGroups
Note: IQA paths will vary depending on the setup by webcastcloud or your iMIS Integrator. You may find the correct paths by iMIS Staff porta, under RiSE >Intelligent Query Architecture -
Client ID & Client Secret: Add the Client ID and Client Secret as created in the steps above from iMIS >Client Applications >Create Application
- To write back Continuing Education Credits (CPD/CE/CME/CAE) from webcastcloud to iMIS, turn on toggle to Write Back CE Credits
- Add credentials for a user with API permissions in iMIS
- Save
4. Modify User Login to use iMIS SSO
Once you have configure Webcastcloud as a SSO Application and have the Login Redirect URI setup, you can continue to add the configuration into your Webcastcloud Admin.
- Using the SSO Login URL above, In webcastcloud Admin, browse to Video Library > Registrations
- Under Local Authentication Settings, ensure the following are set:
- Local Registration - Off
- Local Login - Off
- Email is username - Off
- Open Integration Authentication Settings from the collapsible menu
- Turn On 'Integration Provider Login Button'
- Login URL: Paste the iMIS SSO Login URL from the steps above
- Logout URL: Your iMIS site should already have a logout url which you cad add here
- Login Button Text: set the text that will appear on your login button. ie. Member Login, Login, Join, etc.
When you browse to your video library as an anonymous user, you should now see your Login button and will be redirect to iMIS Login page for Single Sign-On.
Your webcastcloud and iMIS SSO and Advanced Configuration should now be complete.
Login from your content library to test your SSO Login.