Mini Orange is a cloud-based Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution that provides a range of authentication and authorization services for businesses of all sizes. Mini Orange supports various authentication protocols, including SAML, which can be used to integrated with webcastcloud to support Single Sign-On and a variety of other member integration features for user provisioning, pricing and access control to webcastcloud content.
Mini Orange is commonly used with websites that are build on WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and more)
To configure webcastcloud as the SAML SSO Service Provider (sP) with Mini Orange as the SAML Identity Provider (IdP), you will need to:
Copy the following details from Mini Orange IdP Metadata:
Identity Provider Hostname / Entity ID: This is the unique identifier for your Mini Orange IdP, which is typically in the format of a URL. You can find this in the Mini Orange IdP configuration settings.
Single Sign-On (SSO) URL: This is the URL where the Service Provider (sP) will redirect users to initiate the SSO process with Mini Orange. You can find this in the Mini Orange IdP configuration settings.
Certificate: webcastcloud (sP) will need a copy of the public certificate for your Mini Orange IdP, which is used to sign SAML assertions. You can download this from the Mini Orange IdP configuration settings.
- Mappings: This ensures that mini ornage passes the membership data through we need as a minimum to create a member profile, and we match the user data to fields in webcastcoud. Create a mapping for the following minimum requirements:
- FirstName Mapping: FirstName
- LastName Mapping: LastName
- Email Mapping: Email
Note: all of the above is case sensitive, so ensure the values are the same in each system.
- Login to webcastcloud Admin >Settings >SAML 2.0, and add the IdP details above
- Save
- In Mini Orange, configure your webcastcloud SP with the following details:
- sP Entity ID: this will be your primary hostname. ie. https://{site} or your whitelabel domain
- ACS URL: https://{siteurl}/SAML/AssertionConsumerService
- Audience URL: https://{siteurl}/SAML/AssertionConsumerService
- Sign On URL: https://{siteurl}/SAML/AssertionConsumerService
Once you have provided the above details, we recommend creating a test user and requesting additional support for testing your SAML Single Sign-On.