Configure Membes API
The following the steps and details are required when working with Membes API v1
The following the steps and details are required when working with Membes API v2
- Retrieve the Authorisation - Access URLs and Keys needed
- The API endpoints can be accessed via the following URLs
- Authorisation URL:
- Authorisation URL:
- The API endpoints can be accessed via the following URLs
- The following keys will need to be obtained from Membes:
Organisational ID
Authentication Secret
Configure Webcastcloud Integration
Once you have the API details above, you can browse to webcastcloud admin:
- Login to Webcastcloud Admin
- Select >Settings >Integrations
- Turn on the membes integration.
- Edit Membes
- Enter the following details from Membes API:
- Base URL:
- Auth API Url: api/oauth2
- Profile API Url: profile/login
- Client Secret
- Save
- Browse to Settings >Login & Registration
- Select Authorization tab, Integration Settings >Login URL
- Enter your Membes Login URL, using this format: https://{{customer_website_url}}/member/oauthlogin/?redirect_uri=https://{{callbackurl}}&client_id=[[client_id]]&state=[optional_internal_state]
- customer website url:
- redirect_uri: this is your webcastcloud callback uri. https://{yoursite}
- clientId: this if your Membes API client ID
for example:
- Enter your preferred Login Button Text. ie. Login or Member Login
- Save
How does Single Sign On (SSO) work with Membes and Webcastcloud?
The username and password your members use to access their Webcastcloud account is exactly the same as what they use to access the membes website. They will login using your members login page, and be redirected back to webcastcloud.
What happens when membes is connected Webcastcloud?
When a user logs into Webcastcloud via SSO, it checked to see if a Webcastcloud has already been created and if not, a new account is created on login.
What’s passed to Webcastcloud?
The following information is passed into Webcastcloud from Membes AMS:
Member/Profile number
First name
Email address
Membership type
- Membership Groups/Events