Webcastcloud provides comprehensive video analytics to help you monitor and visualize the performance of your live and on-demand videos. This feature allows you to analyze how viewers engage with your content by looking at metrics like total views, percentage watched, CE credits achieved, and milestones hit throughout a video.
Step-by-Step Guide to Accessing Video Analytics
1. Navigating to Analytics
- Log into your Webcastcloud Admin account.
- From the left-hand menu, navigate to the Analytics section.
- Select Videos.
2. Filtering Your Data
The filters allow you to narrow down the results based on specific criteria.
Here's how to apply filters:
- Video Date: Filter videos by their publication or upload date.
- Select From and To dates using the format
- Select From and To dates using the format
- Watched Date: Filter by the dates videos were watched.
- Select From and To dates to define the range.
- Video Title: Enter the name of a specific video to see its performance.
- Video Type: Choose between Live, On-Demand, or both.
- Channel: Select a specific channel or use the option to include Child Channels (sub-channels related to the primary channel). This will return all videos stored within the selected channel and sub-channels.
Click Submit to see the results based on your selected criteria.
3. Understanding the Results
Once you apply the filters, the results will be presented in a few formats to help you better understand video performance:
Video Total Views by Date: This line graph displays the total number of views over time, allowing you to see the popularity trend of your content by date.
Most Popular Videos: A horizontal bar chart that displays your top-performing videos. It includes:
- Total Views
- Live Views
- On-Demand Views
Video Table: Below the graphs, a table lists detailed video performance metrics. The table can be sorted based on any of the following columns:
- Video Title: The name of the video.
- Channel: The channel the video belongs to.
- Video Type: Whether it was a Live or On-Demand event.
- Video Date: The date the video was created or uploaded.
- Total Views: The total number of views the video has received.
- Live Views: The number of views from live broadcasts.
- On-Demand Views: The number of views after the event aired live.
- Total Time Watched: The total amount of time users spent watching the video.
- Average Time Watched: The average time each viewer spent watching the video.
- Quick Link: A link that takes you directly to the video.
4. Exporting Data
- You can export the data displayed on the table for further analysis by clicking the Download button. This will download the data into a CSV file for use in external reports.