A Webcam Live Stream is a live broadcast that is run, using your own webcam as one of the streaming source, from our Webcastcloud Live Studio. You can
Create a Live Stream using Webcam
- Login to Webcastcloud Admin
- Navigate to Library > Content
- Click Add New > Live Stream
- Select a Channel to store your live stream
- Set a Title for your live stream
- Select a Video Source: Select Webcam
- Enter Date, Time & Duration
- Optional Settings:
- Live Media: Your default live media channel will be used.
- Use Default Settings: The live media default settings for 'Cloud Recording', and 'Auto Publish OnDemand' can be changed if required. Untick, 'use default settings' to update for this live stream only.
- Click Save.
Enter the Live Studio
After creating your live stream, you can open and run the live stream from the Webcastcloud Live Studio.
- From the Video Info page of the live stream created above, click Media Info tab
- Click Live Studio
- From the live studio page. you will see a control button in the top right hand corner.
Click Prepare To Go Live:
Note: This will prepare your live stream channel. Please wait approximately 30-40 seconds, for the button to turn from yellow to green. - Select Enter Green Room
- Using the Pre-Call test screen, turn on your Microphone and Camera
- Background Options: Select a background image or blur for your camera
- Select Join to enter the Green Room
Once you have entered the greenroom of the live studio, you will notice a media tool bar at the bottom of the screen that contains the following tools:
- Screenshare: You can start a screenshare of any tab, window or screen on your device, once added it will appear as a source is the live studio.
- Chat: This is a private chat between yourself and other speakers, the viewers can't see this chat.
- Audio and Video controls: Here you are able to change your Audio and Video sources & Mute audio / stop video
- Layout: You can alter the layout of the live studio to best suite your needs, more information on this below.
- Network Analytics: To monitor the connection quality of yourself and other hosts.
Start a Live Stream
- You're now ready to go live on Webcastcloud, before you go live please ensure that all participants have entered the greenroom and are ready to go, whilst in the greenroom you can communicate with the other presenters, nothing is live until you launch the livestream.
- You will notice two sections of the live studio, Background and Live. by default all presenters and screenshares will be in the background column. As the host you have control over which participants are live or not, simply click the camera to change it between live and backstage.
Note: When participants are in the background column viewers can not hear them only speakers/hosts in the live studio can. to be seen & heard on the livestream by viewers a speaker must be in the live section.
1. Click Go Live in the top right hand corner
2. Add relevant sources to the live section
3. Choose your desired layout:
Panel: Will equally divide all sources in the live section
Presentation: Best used for multiple speakers with screenshare active
Picture in Picture: Only used for 1 active speaker with screenshare
Single speaker with Screenshare: Only used for 1 active speaker with screenshare
When you are ready to finish the livestream click End Broadcast in the top right, a modal will pop-up with a 60 second count down timer.
- If you accidentally clicked this there is a cancel button to stop the shut down process.
- If you are ready to end the livestream there is also an End Now button which will immediately end the livestream to avoid the countdown time.
Once the livestream has concluded you will see the following message:
- If you had auto-upload ondemand turned on the video will go into a processing state, once ready the video will automatically change back to OnDemand.
- If Auto-upload was turned off the video status will change to Stopped, nothing further is required from here.