In this article, we will walk though how to turn on and manage the chat interactivity features for your live stream.
We will assume you have already Scheduled a Live Stream in webcastcloud.
Once your Live Stream is setup, you can continue with the steps below.
Turn On Chat for your Live Stream
Chat needs to be activated prior to the stream going live.
- In webcastcloud Admin, browse to Videos >Manage Videos
- Select the livestream from the video list
- Select Edit
- Click Interactivity tab
- Select the checkbox Chat
- Select Open on Load for your chat to be open for your viewer when they load the live stream page
- Save
Your video player will now display the Chat icon on the video player, and open immediately for viewers if the option was selected.
Once your live stream has started, viewers can write in the chat box.
Manage the Live Chat
The Live Chat can be viewed and managed as an administrator from the Live Event Console page.
- In webcastcloud Admin, browse to Videos >Manage Videos
- Select the livestream from the video list
- Select Edit >Media Info tab
- Select Live Event
- Select Q&A
- From the Q&A tab you can view both the Chat and communicate via chat with your online audience
- Use the pop-out icon to move the chat to a preferred location on your screen. This is ideal when using a 3rd party RTMP streaming client such as Zoom, StreamYard, etc.
Simply pop-out and drag the chat next to your video meeting client on your desktop:
View Chat Post-Event
If you are no longer running your live stream, you can access Chat simply from the Video Interactivity tab, rather than the Live Event Console.
- In webcastcloud Admin, browse to Videos >Manage Videos
- Select the livestream from the video list
- Select Edit
- Select Interactivity
- Select Moderator
- Your chat history will be available here, and you can continue to communicate to the chat if it is still turned on for your on-demand video .
- You can turn off chat once your live stream has completed, or keep the chat history available for on-demand viewers.
- If you wish to turn off chat, simple turn off chat from the Video Interactivity page where you turned it on.